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Yes, I have been Knitting...and singing...and cooking!

Firstly, the Knitting!

It is being blocked (so that the bottom eyelet row will cradle a lovely red ribbon to tie about the chin!) but here's a little Baby Bonnet

hot off the needles, to go along with the tiny Magic Baby Slippers of a few weeks ago:

These are for friends Kellie and Josh - expecting their first baby in just a couple more months!!! I think the colors are "uni-sex" enough to go one way or the other.....

Then, on our "romantic vacation" to Ottawa a couple of weeks ago, I started these Spiralicious Socks for something to knit on the plane. Jon was absolutely floored when, half-way there, I declared the lacey pattern a misinterpretation of knitting nature. The colours in this yarn change about every 2-3 inches - resulting in a fabulous palette with slubs and interest at every loop. But this yarn.....forced my lovely leaf-lace pattern into hiding. So, I tore back, cast on again, and forged forward with an improvised spiral rib - I rather like them!

And, here's some Magical, hand-dyed, sock-a-licious yarn from my friend TheKnitWitch. In the colorways of my astrological sign. I think that Harvest Moon is destined for a lovely little shawl.

Last of all, of course I've been cooking! Friend Tim V.B. has been visiting (we are still working, and almost ready to unveil, the new Music folder web-site an Choir Robes web-site) so some sweets to keep the guys insulin levels up were in order....

Here are the NutMeg Flats that inspired quite a bit of work last night!

Start with some Nutmegs.......

Pre Heat the oven to 250 degrees (yes, this is pretty "cool". While the oven heats,
put the nutmegs in the nutmeg grinder that darling spouse slipped into your stocking last December, and twirl about until you have about 2 tablespoons of freshly ground nut meg!!!

Now, seperate one egg - let the yolk plop into a little custard cup - and run the white into a clean little jelly jar.....
and Grease a 9 x 13 pan or something about that size.
Drag out your mixer- we'll make this as painless as possible!
Cream together:
1 c. butter and 1 c. sugar
Pour just the egg YOLK in and beat some more... last of all, add
2 c. flour (we just used the regular whole wheat we keep on hand)
and almost all your freshly ground nutmeg. Keep about 1 tsp. back for sprinkling at last!
Press the above, stiff dough mixture into your pan.

Wash out your mixing bowl (if you only have one) put on some Latin music, and whip the egg white until it does the Merengue - Here's how :

But I digress... just a stiff white Merengue is necessary... Scoop it out of the bowl and smear it across the top of your dough in the pan. Sprinkle with a bit more sugar and at least another teaspoon of nutmeg.

Put this in the oven for 55 minutes .... Slice into squares while hot, try to let them cool just a bit before devouring!

And, a note for Marcus and Stella: Just make these with really good cinnamon instead of the nutmeg. Then she'll love them!


Knit Witch said…
Wow! You always have fun cooking tips. That bonnet is soooooooo cute! I am so glad you like the yarns!! :)
Anonymous said…
Such a sweet little bonnet and booties! I do think strong colors look much nicer on a little baby then some wimpy pastels.

Your NutMeg Flats look wonderful. I will definitely give them a go when I remember to find some nutmegs. I suppose pre ground would work, but wouldn't be as flavorful.

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