Today is our 6th wedding anniversary. I believe that Jon and I have experienced each other over many "lifetimes", and it was a blessing and a sacrament to reaffirm our connection on June 14, 2003. Jon's presence in my life, and the relationship we have created together, is an expression of the deep love that pervades the universe- that "heals" each of us. This love has truly given me strength, fresh eyes, a kinder heart, and new challenges. I thank you, Jon, for being such a blessing to me.
When Jonathan, and I "found" each other again, 20 years after having been youthful lovers, we both experienced spontaneous ecstatic union. The sensations of dissolved boundaries, spiritual union, and heightened sensory response carried over to our daily life and flowed through our first several years of marriage. We were beautiful, courageous, and could accomplish anything we set our minds to - we were love and magic personified, vessels pouring out love for the world!
And 6 years later, we still are love personified.....thanks to our children, our families, and the world that annointed us in love.