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Reason enough to reform our present Health Care Situation

"I don''t have health insurance, can't afford it! If I get hurt, my friends and family all know what to do - shove me in the car, put it in neutral, and let it run downhill.If all goes well, I am covered by the car insurance and I can go to the hospital!"

Overheard at tonight's Vigil for Health Care Reform in Missoula.

Dear Senators Baucus and Tester, and Representative Rehberg - Please do what's RIGHT, what is MORAL, what is COMPASSIONATE, what helps every single person in this nation from the unborn to the elderly.

If you have taken $$ from the opposition, smile brightly and tell them thank you- you'll use those resources to do WHAT IS RIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY, and pass a Health Care Reform bill that includes a PUBLIC OPTION now.

I would be happy to write those thank you notes for you if you are too busy PASSING REFORM that makes it possible for average people to feel PROUD of our country.

Just do it. You know you want to.


Rain Trueax said…
It has to include a public option or it's a public fraud. I haven't given up but it's sure a worrisome time. There is no logic in not having a public option except profits for the insurance corporations. That isn't a reason that holds water with me

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