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Fund-Raising for Missoula Community Chorus

Guess who's been working on The 3rd Annual Vintage on Broadway?

I am on several committees: Entertainment, Auction Items, and Planning, and have become a maniac organizer :)
I have been gathering lots and lots of Silent and Live Auction items -

Here's a 20-year old bottle of wine that we will Live Auction! It got 91 Points the year it was vinted, and has a reputation of being quite fine even at this age!

We have several University of Montana Grizzly-Themed items for Silent Auction, including basketballs signed by the Women's and Men's Teams, and this Collegiate Superlight 3.5 golf bag from Sun Mountain Sports:

And the most amazing of all.....Leela Autio (Rudy's widow) has donated a signed, limited edition (9/20),lithograph of Rudy Autio's, titled "Piano Jazz" featuring his signature women and horse images. Rudy was a Montanan of Finnish extraction and proud of it. Here's a picture of Rudy - his official web-site is
I don't have a photograph of the print just yet ... but here's a great picture of the man!

And, just in case you are wondering about the "entertainment" - we have Darko Butorac, Conductor of Missoula Symphony as our guest Emcee

and yes....Jon and I and several friends have been rehearsing lots and lots of vocal jazz in preparation for the big party!!! Maybe we can record a bit to upload for you after wards :)


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