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Come on in, the Food is Fine!!

Well, since our travel plans changed and we experienced a "lay-over" in Tokyo,we are still in Hong Kong,and about to go to Guang Zhou later this afternoon. I wish that after all this, I had had time to go to the Stitch-n-Bitch Friday afternoons in Central Hong Kong. I was invited (thanks to "travellersyarn", a Ravelry friend who lives in HK) but originally declined because we were already going to be in Guang Zhou as of yesterday! As we were driving about HK accomplishing all our errands,looking at the Chinese New Year's decorations everywhere, I was overcome with a sense of how we are all so similar - all part of this great breathing being "Earth".
First photo: Our friends, Edgar and Priscilla of New Bright Factory met us for lunch (at Jon's favorite Dim Sum restaurant)

Last night, we had a little gathering of our Apollo factory friends with a New Year's toast and a small gift exchange.

Jon happily handed out "Red Pockets" - envelopes with crisp new money inside - a traditional gift to un-married people at New Years. Jon however, took the gui-lo excuse and passed them to everyone, Mr. Wan included. Mr. Wan, Anne, Norman Wan and his girl friend, Doris, Cassie, Ann N.,and Arthur all accompanied us to Sai Gan village (kind of a suburb of HK)to have Seafood dinner! Like many restaurants here, there is a fish market attached to the restaurant - you pick out your dinner on the spot! Here's the lobster we ate, along with tanks of very large shrimps kept captive in 2 litre soda bottles (so they don't fight and damage each other in the tank before you get a chance to eat them!), abalone, squids, crabs and more!

Here's pictures of how we ate it:

Lobster with noodles and a light creamy sauce.. mmmmm :)

Jon's garoupa (we think) steamed and drizzled with oil and spices, garnished with shredded green onion....

Norman, Doris and Anne enjoying the meal!

Crabs - steamed, cracked, succulent, so fine!

The Abalone - sliced thinly, served sashimi-style (raw) along side a boiling pot of broth if you wished to "swish" it lightly in the broth to cook a bit. Note the lovely orchid as garnish.
I didn't get a picture of the desserts - little tapioca-coconut milk "puddings" poured into woven leaf baskets. They were so good, they were gone before the camera came back out!
On the way back to our hotel, we stopped for a bit of street opera, Chinese style. Note the looooong feathers on the headress - they are from a wild chicken according to Norman - what a chicken that must be!

This morning, Jon had to have Congee (even though we often make it at home in the thermal-pot) - so we ordered room service. In the states, we stay at Holiday Inn's and eat the terrible "continental" breakfast of stale donuts and burnt coffee (or not!), but here, it seems so indulgent to get to stay in places with room service, laundry service, really good food and cheerful staff....

More of our grand adventures in the East to come! And, Guang Zhou = Yarn shopping!!! I am so excited!
*yes, we did accomplish some business while here - approving lab dips, fabrics, labels and so forth for the big Choir Robes project. But I digress!*


cocoa said…
love hearing and seeing the details of your trip. Especially all the foody bits! Fun... OK the yarn store was pretty cool too! It reminds me of when I lived in Seattle and on Jonathan's way home from China sometimes I would go get him from the airport and we would spend a few hours together. I would always get a full description of all the fantastic things he ate while he was there.

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