After doing what I hope will be a GREAT Happy Dance on November 5th, I'll go back to knitting, and other, more domestic, entries. Thanks for sticking with me through out this most important election cycle : )Though, I will likely rant on about lots of world issues - When you think of it, politics is often the greatest application of all our domestic skills - what do we most fervently want for our future, our childrens' futures; what kind of world do we envision, and who we choose to lead us makes all the difference. Imagine. Just imagine. Then ACT!
" Under the greatest adversity there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others ." ~Dalai Lama And one of Montana's Methodist Ministers, Joan Uda, wrote an editorial for the Great Falls Tribune this week, asking essentially, What would God think of this? Here's a small excerpt: I'm startled by the frenzied opposition to health care reform. Are these good people Christians? Do they recall that Jesus will judge us not by how well we've kept our earnings for ourselves but by how we have cared for "the least of these"? Matthew 25:31-46. This is a matter of salvation. I don't believe God supports any particular solution for health care. But I do believe God wants everyone, even the least, included. And I believe Jesus Christ calls us to display our best Christian virtues in the debate on these issues. Here's George Lakoff's perspective on how language influences the discussion on Health Care policies this seas...