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Something shook loose in (our) Universe

Things that have finally, at long last occurred:
  • We completely finished moving out to the "little house", and are snug as bugs nestled in for the winter :)
  • the Obama campaign sent us 2 lovely Seattle-area women to stay for a week while they worked on the campaign here.
  • next, the U 0f MT asked if our "big" house was still for rent. We said "of course! but for now we have agreed to let the Obama campaign office use it to house out-of-area-worker-bees". U 0f MT has someone interested in renting at our asking price .... we are hoping they can wait until after November 4th.
  • Obama Campaign asked if the "big" house could be used as a neighborhood "hub", providing a place to rest, pick up more literature, make phone calls, eat a snack or have a cup of tea. So as of today (Saturday) if you are canvassing in the East side of Missoula, our house is your house :). This will go on through November 3rd.
  • I'm thinking that Jon and I might as well have the election night party there too.....
  • I began the nine day process to make "Icicle Pickles" for the first time, owing to friend Gina's inspiration. There are 5 pounds of chunky cucumber slices fermenting in the crock right now! In a few days, they will be taken out, rinsed and fermented a bit longer in a vinegar/sugar/spice solution and finally (when we come back from Portland visit - see below) water bath canned up for deep winter flavor inspiration.
  • A few knitting projects have been finished while watching the debates: A cute little fair-isle chevron-stripes hat, my "afgan ripple effect" chevron scarf was also finished, blocked and put away for now, and I graphed out Obama's logo for use on the soon-to-be-started dog sweater (see below).
  • the 2 yarn orders I made 10 days ago, finally arrived and I began working on Pippin's "Bark Obama" Sweater so he can stay toasty warm while helping Jon canvass.
  • we are never retiring. this was decided after watching our retirement investments *poof* become just about enough money to vacation in Glacier Park for a week, in the Boler.
  • Jon is working on creating the practice CDs for the Missoula Community Chorus. Between this and the Obama campaign work, and our "regular" work, he is putting in longgggg hours these days.

Thinks that are currently scheduled to occur:
  • Jon and Pippin and Zuzu and I are all packing up the Prius and going to Portland to visit Stella and boyfriend Marcus, and meet Marcus's parents..... That will be a long weekend, this next one!
  • Jon and I are on several committees for the Board of Directors of Missoula Community Chorus - this means, since choir started up again on 11 September, we have attended Financial Committee meetings, Fund-Raising Committee meetings, Executive Board meetings, and are not attending an in-service for non-profit boards today because we have to do laundry and catch up on MyMusicFolder work!!
  • Jon and I, along with our friend (and MCC conductor) Ron Wilcott, and friend (and MCC accompanist) Alice Williams, and friend (and MCC Manager) Kathy Settevendemie, and friend (and curiously strong Altoid) Sally Ethridge are going to Seeley Swan schools November 10/11 to provide "Informances" - informational performances of excerpts from Handel's Messiah.
    • Seriously, they scheduled us to sing at 9 a.m. in Condon ( a 2 hour drive away) -at least that one's at the elementary school, so we might modulate keys -downward!-that morning. Maybe we'll slow things as well - the "Hallelujah Chorus on thorazine"...
    • We will do this for 2 days, covering both Condon area schools and Seeley Lake Schools. Then we will be joined on Tuesday evening by the Missoula Community Chorus's Chamber chorale and perform a truncated (only 1.25 hr long) version of The Messiah for those communities.
I support Barack Obama and I approve his message
And I am seriously praying with every breath I take that he and Biden win the election and begin the long and fulfilling work of returning the United States of America to a country we can be proud of, and that the rest of the world seeks to emulate.


Knit Witch said…
WELL SAID!!! We hope to be having a little victory party of our own here on 11/4!!!!
Wonderful site Sis'
I will enjoy viewing it over and over!


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